Friday, February 11, 2011

fe and mn excess levels

In XinMinShi LuTun township villagers SuChangRong home, electric Wells (left) has been using, flank of tap water equipment is furnished, cannot use (January 27 perturbation). Xinhua hair

Investment must change water into decoration engineering

Liaoning XinMinShi prevent fluorine improvement of water engineering blind horse cast time duration, no liability shall be investigated

The government invested tens of millions of yuan "improvement of water", result off "GaoFu water", but drew longpreserved ", fe and mn water ". Liaoning XinMinShi "prevent fluorine improvement of water project," become part of the masses "sad engineering". Reporter survey found that the improvement of water without scientific exploration and demonstration project is blind construction, cast time limit, GanRenWu, resulting in huge investments became decoration.

Improvement of water engineering tap water, fe and mn to exceed bid

In liaoning province countryside, because XinMinShi part of the year round drinkable HanFuLiang $300 milligrams per liter of water, many heavy fluorine mass mouthful yellow teeth, and of the joints slants big, long-term bear bow-backed, joint difficult stretching etc indisposition suffers. Therefore, liaoning province government investment thirty-four million yuan, in 2004 XinMinShi 117 CunTun construction "prevent fluorine improvement of water project".

Today, the massive funds cast, change water project "build", but the villagers home or tap water still impassability, either flow out of the water color yellow,the crowd still cannot drink "FangXinShui".

XinMinShi LuTun township LuTun village more than 600 families, most people apparent fluorosis symptoms. The populace reflects hard to drink, a face-lift tap water. Reporter in Ming tuen AnQingQuan home village see flow out of the tap water color yellow, a bucket of water can precipitate a half bowl of sediment. AnQingQuan doubt said: "water is for you, don't pass by, costly!"

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