Saturday, April 23, 2011

Epilogue: social Darwinism let China modern transition astray

The Chinese exclusion act of 1882, "just" HuangHuoLun "and social Darwinian society in China the first a tiny tore the intelligentsia wounds, because since closed at that time, the pain is not strong, later, also discussed how focused narrowly on Chinese suffered discrimination against the inequality. Little imagine, this bill, it is ancient and modern agriculture civilization MBT Imara , Oriental Confucian western business civilization, the result of the game between the Confucian civilizations of modern western civilization pride and arrogance of for many years, this collision between a bill can be regarded as a win node. Since then, China's intelligentsia more and more apparent split into westernization and traditional factions in the don't, 1898 efforts and upper-level western efforts against westernized after all failed, China's intelligentsia collective accepted social Darwinism, as YangDu said:

"Since Darwin, black XuLi with biology, and based on for the weakest mbt shoes usa

goes to the wall, the survival of the fittest, its influence extended to all society, in the world of business, for all things in all GongLi, who escaped from the outside incompetent."

This is the most serious of decay and eventually extremely wound.

Until 1919-1920 founding of sun yat-sen wrote some strategies, beginning introspection:

"The early humans, also with the beast is by how much years; then the evolve MBT Kisumuand the beginning of human nature. And grow human evolution, thus origin. This period with the evolution of species is the principle, the principle on different; species evolved competition for principle, humanity is mutual. The principle is to the social country, helping the body will, moral righteousness, helping with also."

A. B · Stout worried americans with Chinese hybrid can lead to future generations "because they cursed them in the degradation of the ancestors", "HuangHuoLun" against the Chinese in late 19th and early 20th century indeed quickly raised critical of their ancestors of today will frenzy - behind the prodigal for fathers whereby, is undoubtedly A self relieved shortcuts. MBT HabariAnd when liang qichao's late in life to those of Confucius certainly by his words, the mouth are already not be withdrawn:

"... people each phase ybr and designed profit has, regardless of others, this namely later Darwin on survival competition, the weakest goes to the wall, so-called, and the fairness of animal that human also unavoidable also... (about) is the remark ChiZhiYouGu, arguable."

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